PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting
If you buy a web hosting package from our company, you won’t ever have to speculate over whether your websites are compatible with the web hosting environment, since several versions of PHP are activated on our servers for your convenience. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to select PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with only one single click of the mouse and if you’d like to change the current version, the new settings will take effect momentarily. Thus, years of work on websites built with an older version of PHP will not be in vain. Our hosting platform will even permit you to use a different version of PHP for each domain hosted in your account, which goes to say that you can use newer and older scripts simultaneously. Most web hosting providers on the market offer one, sometimes two PHP versions. In contrast with them, we strongly deem that you should be the one to select the version that your own websites will use.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
We’re of the unswerving opinion that several years spent creating a site shouldn’t be in vain, which implies that in case you get a semi-dedicated server from us, you’ll be able to use any script, be it new or old. In stark contrast with many web hosting vendors, we support several different versions of PHP on our cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform – 4, 5 and 7. Not only will you be able to enable the version that you need through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but you will also have the possibility to select a different PHP version for each website. This can be done merely by placing an .htaccess file in the given site’s root directory. You can change the version both for a single website and for the account itself and the update will be applied in no more than several minutes. With our hosting services, you can rest assured that you won’t ever have any site incompatibility complications.